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Saturday 12 March 2011

Data Grid with Fill

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form {
internal System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid DataGrid1;
internal System.Windows.Forms.Button btnRunQuery;
private System.Windows.Forms.Button btnRunQuery2;
public Form1() {
this.DataGrid1 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid();
this.btnRunQuery = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
this.btnRunQuery2 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();

this.DataGrid1.DataMember = "";
this.DataGrid1.HeaderForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlText;
this.DataGrid1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 8);
this.DataGrid1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(280, 200);

this.btnRunQuery.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 224);
this.btnRunQuery.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(80, 24);
this.btnRunQuery.Text = "Run Query 1";
this.btnRunQuery.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnRunQuery_Click);

this.btnRunQuery2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(104, 224);
this.btnRunQuery2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(80, 24);
this.btnRunQuery2.Text = "Run Query 2";
this.btnRunQuery2.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnRunQuery2_Click);

this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new System.Drawing.Size(5, 13);
this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(292, 273);
this.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] {

static void Main() {
Application.Run(new Form1());

private void btnRunQuery_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
try {
SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection("data source=.;database=biblio;uid=admin;pwd=pw");

SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("Select top 50 Author, Year_born from Authors Where Year_born is not null", cn);

DataSet ds = new DataSet();

da.Fill(ds, "Authors");

DataGrid1.DataSource = ds.Tables["Authors"];
} catch (SqlException ex) {

private void btnRunQuery2_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
try {
SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection("data source=.;database=biblio;uid=admin;pwd=pw");

SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("Select Title, Price from Titles where Title like 'Hit%'", cn);

DataSet ds = new DataSet();

da.Fill(ds, "Titles and Price");

DataGrid1.DataSource = ds.Tables["Titles and Price"];
} catch (SqlException ex) {


